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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:百度作业网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/06/17 08:11:16
My name is Judy.I claim to be a detective.
I'm 13 years old.
I like Sherlock Holmes.
I like the movie star are Nicolas Cage.
let me give you a joke.
Mother give Billy two Yuan.
"What did you do with the money I gave you yesterday?"
"I gave it to a poor old woman," he answer.
"You're a good boy,"
"Here you are two Yuan more.But why are you so interested in the old woman?"
"She is selling candy."
My name is Judy.- 没问题.
I claim to be a detective.- 你想说“我想当侦探”?最起码应该说“I want to be a detective”,或者“My dream is to be a detective”.
I'm 13 years old.- 没问题.
I like Sherlock Holmes.- 没问题.
I like the movie star are Nicolas Cage.- 应该是“The movie star I like is Nicolas Cage”.英语里,“我喜欢的影星”,应该把“影星”作为主语放在最前面,修饰它的东西(也就是“我喜欢的”)放在主语后面.而且Nicolas Cage只是一个人,是单数,要用is而不是are.
Let me give you a joke.- 应该是“Let me tell you a joke”.讲笑话要用tell.
Mother give Billy two Yuan.- 应该是“Mother gave Billy two Yuan”.按照英语习惯,所有的故事都是发生过了的事,所以故事中叙述性的文字要用过去式.而且,吹毛求疵一点,Billy是个外国名字,Yuan是中国货币,你把Yuan改成美元的dollars(也就是“Mother gave Billy two dollars”)比较符合逻辑.
"what did you do..." - 没问题.但是最后最好加一句“Said mother”或者“Asked mother”,表示说这话的是妈妈.
"I gave it to a poor old woman." He answer.- 前半句没问题.最后应该是“Billy answered”或者“Answered Billy”.过去式,原因我已经解释了.而且因为上一句是妈妈说的,这里就是Billy说的.
"You're a good boy" - 没问题.后面也不用加谁说的了.因为有前两句的交待,读者很容易看懂二人之间的对话是谁说的.
Here you are two Yuan more.- 这个完全不通.应该说“I'll give you two more Yuan/dollars”.而且这句和上句不用断句,可以连起来,因为都是妈妈说的.
But why are you so interested...- 语法没问题.但句子很刻意,不像这时候该说的话,只要简单地说成“What does the old woman do”(那老妇人是做什么的)就可以了.
"She's selling candy." - 语法没问题,但因为妈妈问的对象是那个老妇人,是个名词,回答最好同样以名词结尾,说成“She is a candy seller”(她是卖糖果的).
My name is Judy.
I want to be a detective.
I'm 13 years old.
I like Sherlock Holmes.
The movie star I like is Nicolas Cage.
Let me tell you a joke.
Mother gave Billy two dollars.
"What did you do with the money I gave you yesterday?" Asked mother.
"I gave it to a poor old woman." Billy answered.
"You're a good boy.I'll give you two more dollars.What does the old woman do?"
"She's a candy seller."