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谁能写一篇different types of friends.的文章?

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:百度作业网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/06/26 06:06:14
谁能写一篇different types of friends.的文章?
谁能写一篇different types of friends.的文章?
Ever since I was a child,my mother raised me to recognize and appreciate various kinds of friends.There are three different kinds of friends in this life.I classify them according to how well I know them and how well they know me.We encounter each of them everyday,whether in school,home,or at the gym.However,we rarely spend much time actually thinking about and classifying these people.First,there are the "pest friends" general acquaintances.Next,there are "guest friends" social partners.Lastly,we have "best friends" our true friends.
The first type of friend is simply an acquaintance.This means that you basically only know their name.You might not even remember what they look like if you go away for a short vacation.Usually,you meet these types of friends in school,at work,on the bus,in the gym,or anywhere else you might be.You normally would not mind having a cup of coffee with them,but if anything else came up,you usually would have no problem parting company.
You normally don't miss them when they are elsewhere.It is also this type of friends who give you the most amount of aggravation.Since most of the time you are placed in a position where you have to act friendly,such as school or work,you would not normally tell an acquaintance when he or she is doing something aggravating,such as tapping the fingers on a table or chewing gum loudly.This is why I call them "pest friends."
The second kind of friend is "guest friends",this is typically the people you call if you're want what I call "a girls night out" You meet them at the location and at the end of the night you go your separate way and they go theirs.These sorts of friends you don't talk too often and you typically do not confine in them,there what I would call distance acquaintance.
Last,but not least,we have "best friends" These sort of friends are there when you need them.They know you as a person and they are there through thick and thin.Best friends,are the ones that you can lean and depend on no matter what.If you shall need a listening ear they will be the one to lend there support.This friend you're able to discuss relationship issues and expect feed back and constructive criticism.I share everything with my best friend and she never judges me.Her love is unconditional.I never have to think twice about nothing that I share with her,it is secret to her.We exchange love towards one another.This typically person is very trustworthy,loyal,and beautiful.
再问: 能够具体点吗?
再答: Funny Friends- the type of people you wanna hang out with to have fun and laugh and do extreme things you would never do with other friends. Talkative friends- the friends who talk too much and all you do is listen and try to help them out. Dont really like to hang out with them too much but there great if your bored and need another person's problems to make your own personal problems look or seem little compare to theirs. Long-time friends- the friends you've know FOREVER..since you both were in baby gear. You have an intense and sacred realtionship that never can be broken cuz your so close to them that they might as well be family. you can always count on them when you need help...but you can always fight with them as if they were your sister or brother. Acquaintances - people I work with, know through other friends, members of committees or groups I belong to. These are people I know but do associate with outside of the confines of the source of our meeting. We are 'friendly' but not yet friends. Groupies - OK this is not a recognized friendship group but these at the people to me that I spend time with but would not necessarily share my deepest thoughts and hopes with nor would I want to know theirs. This is light and fun based. Confidants - People I share my self with who know about me and whom I know all about. These are friends in the truest sense of the word for they are not only people I share time with but people I share everything with and whom I would consider family.
再问: 谢谢,可不可以吧guest friends 写的具体点?