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英语口试演讲稿 一段2分钟就可以了

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:百度作业网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/06/13 05:02:19
英语口试演讲稿 一段2分钟就可以了
1.Who is your most admired celebrity in China?What can you learn from him/her?(在中国谁是你最崇拜名人?你从他/她身上学到了什么?)
2.What can the government do to help the poor?Please give three suggestions.(政府能做什么来帮助穷人吗?请给三个建议.)
3.Should we college students do something for our neighboring community?And what can we do?(我们大学生是否应该为我们邻近社区做点事情?并且我们能为他们做些什么?)
4.Can Internet become the most important way for cultural communication?Explain with at least one example.(互联网能成为最重要的文化交流方式吗?解释至少有一个例子.)
5.Why do you think so many people prefer to immigrate to USA?Would you do the same if you have an opportunity?(你认为为什么那么多人喜欢移居到美国?如果你有一个这样的机会你会做同样的事情吗?)
6.Do you have any suggestions as to how the traffic conditions can be improved in big cities?(你有什么建议可以使大城市的交通条件改善吗?)
7.What do you think is the most serious challenge of living in a big city?(生活在大城市,你认为什么是最严峻的挑战?)
8.What are the ingredients of success?List at least two factors and explain with examples.(成功的要素有什么?列出至少两个因素和解释的例子)
9.Who are more likely to become successful,people born in rich families or poor families?(谁更有可能获得成功,出生在富裕家庭的人们还是出生在贫困家庭的人们?)
10.What is your biggest failure in your life and what can you learn from it?(在生活中你最大的缺点是什么,并且你从中学到了什么?)
英语口试演讲稿 一段2分钟就可以了
Who is your most admired celebrity in China? For I am living abroad most of life and have no knowledge of any celebrities in China, surely I didn't and couldn't have learnt anything from any of them, which I may have to omit this one.
Since the rich and poor gap is getting ever so big, Government ought to do something about it and do it quick. But what could they do to ease or improve the situation then? Here are my 3 suggestions: 1. Spend more on jobs creation, like cutting cooperate tax and encourage enterprises to take on more staff. 2. Invest more in job trainings for the unskilled workers, and help them with better opportunity prospects. 3. Invest more in rural area and help their development, so people in the poor area can have more jobs available for them.
Should we college students do something for our neighboring community? Of course they should, but I just can't think of anything, which is suitable for them to do, apart from cleaning the streets and picking up rubbish, or helping the elders crossing the streets.
We all know what power the internet possesses but can it really perform cultural communication? The answer is definitely yes. Nowadays, people from all walk of life are communicating with anyone from every corner of the world. You can make friend through Facebook or other medium regardless of each other's nationality, colour, mother language, age, gender and religion. If this is not a cross cultural community. What else do you call it then?
People like to immigrate to the USA, largely is the "grass next door are always greener". And of course USA is indeed richer than China thus has more opportunities for them to get richer. Would I do the same if i have the opportunity? I am afraid that I can't answer this question since I am already living abroad, I have to leave this question for someone else to answer it, and this part too that I have to omit again.
Now, about big cities' traffic problems and solution for it. These kind of problems had been bothering many cities all over the world, the bigger the city the bigger the problems. Only in very recent years, London came up with a solution, which is called congestion charges. When people travel to the city centre by cars, they must pay 5 pounds fee (now I believe, it had gone up to 10 pounds). So people work in the city had switch to bicycles. it did not just reduce the amount of car in the capital but help the city going green too. What a good idea!
The most challenge I find living in a big city of course is the sky high rent, if you don't own your own home. Most low pay workers spend a large proportion of their income just paying their rent. The solution for this is to rent a place with other professionals and share the rent, which is now becoming most popular for most of young people working in the cities.
There are two main ingredients to be successful. They are education and drive. When you have education you must have drive too. Because without the enthusiasm and hunger for success, you can't do much even if you are well learnt. This is a dog eat dog world. You must be able beat off others challenge in order to secure a foot hold on the success ladder. Or you will be push off the ladder and eliminated.
Becoming successful needs a lot of conditions, and sometimes advantages play an very important role. People with advantages needless to say are the rich lots. With the backing of family wealth they will be well off and have a huge head start to those from a poor background. I am not saying that richer people would be definitely more successful than poor ones, but one thing for sure is that there are more successful people who were already rich before their success! And the successful rate of the people who were born in the rich families are much higher than the poor ones because of their advantages.
My biggest failure in my life without a doubt is my poor education due to family background. The very thing which I have learned from it was: without a good education, the chance of being successful is close to zero. Therefore, I have been doing the catching all my life, and I am still learning whenever I have the time and opportunities. Thus if you are still young and in school or collage, please don't waste your time. get yourself a good education, because your are going to need it or you will regret it. Thank you everyone for listening.
够2分钟长了罢? 希望会对你有帮助,并望满意.写得很长,若获采纳,要加分至得哪! (only joking, but I wouldn't mind though!)