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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:百度作业网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/06/23 05:03:16
This happened three months ago, it can be described as unique, which most people won't underdstand. When I woke up, I found myself lying in a jungle, with various types of queer plants around me. As I look deep into the jungle, I could not see an end. A suddenly noise of foot steps caught my attention as I was wondering about what was going on. At the same time, I could feel the ground shaking, the tension in the atmosphere is starting to build. Suddenly, I heard a noise of an animal screaming above me. An ape-man had occured, right in front of me. It jumped to me , pinced my neck with a metal pincer and threw me into a gigantic cage. I noticed that there are already three human bwings in that cage. Their clothes were ripped and they looked horrify. The cage was guard by man ape-men, and their are even more of them behind the cage.
They took us to their base, it was full of their kind. Each of them had a different job. Later, we stopped in front of a house. It was again the one that pinced my neck, it dragged us into the house, into an even bigger cage. There are many human beings inside. They looked desperate. Then, all theape-men exited as they locked the door.
I had no idea about what was going on since i awoke. Gladly, people in the cage told me everything: for some unknown reason, we got to a world that belonged to the ape-men. Here, they were the masters and we humans were slaves. They also told me that we were just part of the experiments. The next day, we would be send to a science lab and sacrificed. I was truly desperate when I heard about this. I had watched so may novels about girl got transporting to a country with lots of handsome guys, and they lived happily ever after. However, I was transported to this world, and what's worse? I would meet my death the next day.
英语翻译事情是这样子的,3个月前,我经历了一件事情.这件事是常人无法理解并相信的.犹记得那时,我一觉醒来,发现我居然躺在 我经常发现一些正常人无法理解的事情,科学上都无法解释的事情.你们都类是是情况吗? 事情是这样的.我在白天睡觉的时候.居然做了这个可怕的梦.我记得梦里好像是我女朋友生日的.我们正在散步.当时的月亮很大很圆 我前些日子经历过一件特别尴尬的事情,已经让我无地自容了,根本无法用语言去表达.太丢人了 英语翻译然而,随着经历了更多有趣的事情,我发现,我所追求的是我的身心的提升,而不是一纸文凭.However,with m 今天有点感冒,下午睡觉居然从1左右睡到5点多,差不多醒来的时候,发现一个很奇怪的事情!我知道我自己醒了,思维也在活动状态 (一)老年是,请你相信我,一件好而愉快的事情.这是真的,你被轻轻地挤下了戏台,但那时你却可以在前排得到一个很好的坐位去做 英语翻译我的愿望是一觉睡到小时候,醒来之后过六一. 英语翻译我不知道为什么我会变的现在这样 特别是自从来了这里以后 我也不知道为什么人会这样那样 做出一些令人无法理解的事情 我不想这样的,又一晚没睡好,我只想做个好梦,一觉自然醒来.翻译成英文 我相信,事情的结局一定是我想要的.用英语翻译 英语翻译1.我相信很多事情通过自己的努力也可以改变,自助者天助.但若这有这样的机会,我希望改变无法改变的事物.2.他曾经