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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:百度作业网作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/06/04 02:49:10
role play绝对是英语教学中能够一举多得的不错的教学方法。因此,作为一名英语老师,应该学会利用这种教学方法来营造课堂气氛、提高教学效率。但是如果每堂课或每几堂课都用这样的方法。久而久之,学生们难免会对这样的role play产生厌倦感。最后不仅提高不了那些原本就不愿参与进来的学生的兴趣。恐怕那些一开始对这样的环节持有很高的热情和积极性的学生也会失去兴趣。
There is no doubt that Role Play is one of the most effective wyas of teaching, As an English teacher, it is necessary to learn to use the wasy to create better classroom atmosphere, thus improving the teaching effiency. However, if every class is taught in the same way, students will get tired of it. As a result, not only the students who didn't want to participate won't make any progress , but also the ones who showed interest in it before may lose their passion.