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阅读理解 On a 阅读理解      On a hot summer day,

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:百度作业网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/06/24 10:15:34
阅读理解 On a
     On a hot summer day,a soft drink can really take away your thirst(口渴).At home,at school,in the
park or at the movies - you can find one almost anywhere.
Fruit juice
     There are different kinds of juice.One kind is made only from fresh fruit.This kind of fruit juice may not taste sweet enough for some people,but it is nutritious.Another kind of fruit juice tastes good but has lots of sugar in it.Many people buy this kind because of the advertisements.It is bad for your teeth and bones
to drink lots of this.
Energy drinks
     These kinds of drinks have caffeine that make people get excited.They are sometimes called "party
drinks." Doctors say if you drink too much of this kind,you may have a heart attack.
     You can see bubbles (泡沫) in these!Of all soft drinks sold,about 75% are carbonated.But be
careful,carbonated soft drinks have lots of sugar and caffeine (咖啡因)which is not good for you to do
outdoor exercises because it takes water out of your body.Sugar makes you overweight if you drink too much.
Bottled water
     We have lots of different kinds of bottled water,such as mineral water,purified water and distilled
water (蒸馏水).They are clean and easy to drink.But it is best not to drink very cold water.It may make your stomach feel bad.
Sports drinks
      Most of them have funny names like "Scream " and "G-Vital (激活)." They have lots of vitamins and
minerals(矿物质)in them.After you play sports,you may want to drink one of these.
     But if you just spend your summer holiday sitting watching TV,you won't need them at all!
1.If you have to stay up late,_______ may help you.
A.sports drinks  
B.bottled water  
C.energy drinks     
D.fruit juice
2.Which of the following is not the most suitable(适合的)for you to take if you go climbing?
A.Carbonated soft drinks    
B.Fruit juice    
C.Bottled water    
D.Sports drinks
3.After sports,you drink sports drinks probably because _______.
A.they have funny names that sound very exciting
B.they can help put back the salt and minerals lost in your sweat(汗水)
C.they can take away your thirst
D.they can take away your vitamins and minerals
4.The writer wrote this passage _______.
A.to advise us to keep away from soft drinks
B.to teach us some useful ways of keeping healthy
C.to make the advertisements for the soft drink companies
D.to tell us how to choose a suitable one from all kinds of drinks  
阅读理解 On a 阅读理解      On a hot summer day,