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don't let anything steal your joy.

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:百度作业网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/06/24 08:44:06
don't let anything steal your joy.
the eagle's pest is crow,when a eagle looks for something to eat,crows will flock behind the eagle and scare away targets.this annoys eagles so much.the eagle is going to fly higer altitude well above the crows and ignore them.where the crows feel unbearable not to breathe,the eagle see everything clear.
it's the same with people,when you are upset or depressed by something or somebody,you just quit fighting or struggling with them,just keep quiet and at peace.leave to God to handle it.when someone treats you unfairly or unjustly,don't say that you will argue with them to correct them or get revangeful.let them alone.
when clouds cover your eyesight and depress your mood,don't care about it.it's temperera.when you flight a plane,it rains out,your plane soars into the sky,you find that it's always clear above the clouds.God is always on your side.don't let anything bad steal your joy and your happiness.just quit debating,arguing and go ahead.be quiet and peaceful.
you never see eagles peck with chickens,they sometimes fly lower than chickens,but chickens never fly higher than eagles because God creates what eagles they are.try to forgive these men who sometime hurt and bully you.God will handle your problem.remember that you cannot change a person,only God can do this job.just press forward,do what you like to do,don't care other's opinions.as long as you are happy,as long as you are at peace,God will help you to achieve your goal!
friends,that's my stand when you are criticized by someone.
don't let anything steal your joy.
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再问: it's not that difficult!
再答: 对于鹰而言,乌鸦是令它们厌恶的生物。当鹰找寻东西吃的时候,乌鸦会从后面袭击鹰并吓跑鹰 的目标。这非常困扰鹰。于是鹰飞向了更高的海拔来无视乌鸦。而乌鸦飞不了那么高,因为高空 会让它们无法呼吸,这让它们无法忍受。这一切鹰都看在眼里。 这跟人是一个道理 当你对某件事或人感到沮丧或伤心时,不要和他们争斗或争吵。让一切平静下 来,让上帝来处理。当有人对你不公平或不公正时,不要想着和他们争辩去纠正他们或者采取报 复。只要冷冷地把他们丢一边就行。 当乌云遮住了你的视线并让你沮丧时,不要担心,那只是蛋彩画罢了。当坐飞机下雨时,你的飞 机冲入云霄,你会发现云的上端总是清澈无瑕。上帝总是会站在你这边的,不要让任何坏事偷走 了你的欢快和幸福。只要推出争论和争吵,大步向前,你会感到宁静与安详。 你从不会看到鹰像鸡那样啄,而它们有时飞得比鸡还要低。但鸡永远不会比鹰飞得高因为上帝创 造了这样的鹰。试着原谅那些伤害和欺负过你的人。上帝会处理你的事的。记住你不能改变一个 人,只有上帝可以。只要继续前进,做你想做的,不要在意他人的想法只要你开心,只要能内心 安详,上帝会帮助你实现目标的 朋友,这就是当别人批评你时,我想对你说的话。