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托福口语which type of book you don't like most:science fictions,

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:百度作业网作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/06/26 05:53:38
托福口语which type of book you don't like most:science fictions,mysteries or biographies?
which type of book you don't like most:science fictions,mysteries or biographies?Explain why?Include specific reasons and examples in your response.
托福口语which type of book you don't like most:science fictions,
Compared with science fictions and mysteries,I like biographies more.I love reading my idols' biographies because I'm always inspired by these works.What I can get from biographies are not only the interesting stories,but the deep understanding of life.For example,I have read Audrey Hepbern's biography and learnt a lot from her ideas about beauty.I still remember her famous line "For attractive lips,speak words of kindness." I benefit from the stories of different persons by reading their biographies.For me,I could never experience some exiting adventures in my life time,but I can get the thrill from biographies that happened on my idols.I consider it's the charm of biographies.
再问: don't like 不是like
再答: sorry 看错题目了,don't like和like的思路差不多的,给你个don't like的版本,这次对题了吧,给你参考,绝对原创哦 Among the three types of books, I least like science fictions. I don't like this kind of book for two main reasons. The first is I'm not that into science. I have got sick of physics, chemistry and things like that since I was in high school. I chose the major of art in college to escape from math. Figures and formulas are torture for me. Once I have ever read a science fiction about the universe and I was totally confused by the science in the books. Then I realized I am not the geek kind. Another reason is that I'm a sensitive and romantic person which means I'm not sensible enough. I like the free imagination without any scientific reasons. I have the energy to cry or laugh for the romantic fictions but I don't have the ability to analyze the clues in science fictions calmly. I know some people are crazy about science fictions. However I am the dislike kind. Therefore, mysteries and biographies are OK for me, but science fictions, no.