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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:百度作业网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/06/24 17:53:53
学生考试作弊现象时有发生,以下是对其的简要分析: 简要分析]1作弊原因:(1)心存压力,害怕失败;(2)想不劳而获
解题思路: 见下
同学你好我是meg老师,很高兴为你解答疑惑!下面老师给你提供一 篇范文,希望会对你有所帮助。如有疑问请留言!我会第一时间回 复你!祝学习进步, 假期愉快!
  At present, a number of middle school students have picked up a bad habit - cheating in examinations.
  There are two main reasons. First, they have pressure and fear failure. Second, though some students are not hard-working and they don't work hard at their lessons, they want something for nothing. However, cheating in exams does great harm to their study. As students, they should be honest and diligent, and only in this way can they improve their study and make progress. In my opinion, once someone is found cheating in exams, he /she must be punished. Besides, our teachers should offer students fewer exams and more time to study for themselves.