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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:百度作业网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/06/24 23:40:09
Once there were two men, who lived in the same hospital room. One man’s bed was next to the room's only window. ___36__, the other man, since his illness was more ___37__, had to spend all his time in bed. When the man in the bed by the window could ___38__ up, he would tell his roommate all the things he could see ___39__ the window. He said the window ___40___ a park with a lovely ___41__. Ducks played on the __42___ while children sailed their model boats. Old trees grew and beautiful flowers were in bloom. What a fine ___43__! The man in the other bed would be ___44__ by the beautiful colors of the world outside.
Days and weeks passed.
One morning, the day nurse found the man by the window had ___45__ peacefully in his sleep. She called the hospital attendants to take the body ___46__. As everything was done, the other man asked if he could be ___47__ next to the window. The nurse said OK and after making sure he was comfortable, she left him ___48__.
Slowly and painfully, he tried to take his _49___ look at the world outside. He thought he would be ___50__ to see it by himself. But to his surprise, he saw nothing but a white ___51__. The man asked the nurse ____52 his roommate ___53__ to him and said there were wonderful things outside this window. The nurse told him his roommate was blind and could not even ___54__ the wall.
She said, "Perhaps he just wanted to ___55__ you. He only hoped you could live in a colorful world and got better quickly. "
36. A. Unluckily B. Happily C. Surprisingly D. Angrily
37. A. common B. occasional C. serious D. light
38. A. stand B. sit C. jump D. wake
39. A. across B. above C. behind D. outside
40. A. built B. stood C. faced D. placed
41. A. hill B. lake C. house D. tower
42. A. sand B. grass C. water D. tree
43. A. look B. sight C. form D. view
44. A. impressed B. moved C. reminded D. disappointed
45. A. missed B. died C. come D. passed
46. A. up B. away C. off D. on
47. A. moved B. forced C. brought D. lifted
48. A. alike B. alone C. aloud D. alive
49. A. single B. last C. first D. only
50. A. pleased B. excited C. crazy D. sad
51. A. wall B. picture C. river D. window
52. A. when B. why C. how D. where[
53. A. led B. got C. lied D. left
54. A. hear B. touch C. see D. describe
55. A. please B. encourage C. control D. advice 莲山课件 原文地址:http://www.5ykj.com/shti/gaoyi/54607.htm
解题思路: 如下
36-40 ACBDC 41-45 BCDAB 46-50B A B C B 51-55 A B C C B 大体的意思是两个身患绝症的病人 一个在窗前给另外一个讲他从窗外看到的美丽世界,结果靠窗这个是病重的时候另一个没有告诉医生,等他死了以后自己搬到靠窗的床上才发现窗外什么也没有。 你结合着答案细细看一下。有疑问可留言。