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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:百度作业网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/06/14 17:43:47
我是***同学的老师.***作为理科班的一名学生,他在英语方面脱颖而出,给我留下了很深刻的印象.他的英语成绩始终在全年级名列前茅,他对英语的执着与热爱让我也很受感动和鼓舞.***同学遇到有不懂的问题时都会来问我,无论是上课还是在办公室里,可见他求知欲极强.记得有一次他问我“judge from”放在句首作状语时为什么judge要用现在分词形式“judging”,我给他讲解后,他很快就能领悟并且能运用自如,可见他在英语方面的天赋,他从不死记硬背单词与范文,对于较长的单词,他将单词的音节分解后就可以轻松掌握,记范文也是速度很快.他从小学上剑桥少儿英语时就开始对英语产生了浓厚的兴趣与热爱,他的英语发音也很标准.他英语基础知识扎实,致使他的英语成绩一直优秀,最近他还荣获全国高中生英语作文竞赛三等奖.我对他寄予厚望,还指望他在高考时能取得霞山区英语第一名呢.
I am the student xxx’s teacher.As a student of the class of science,xxx stood out in English,which leaved deep impression on me.His English mark always on the top of the whole grade.His love and insistance for English inspired and moved me.Whether it was in class or in the office,he would come to ask me when he had some questions.We can know that he has a great appetite for knowledge from this.I remember that once he asked me why the impression "judge from"was written as "judging"when it was used in front as adverbial.Afer I explained to him,he could get it quickly and used it with ease.We can see he had a gift in English. He never learn by rote.For long word,he could break the syllable down and then master it.He remembered model essay quckily.He developed the interest and love for English from the primary school life of JianQiao English.His pronunciation was very pure.And he lay a good foundation of English,which maked him do good in Ehglish.He won the third prize of the English writting competition for national high school students.I have great expectations for him.I hope he can win the first prize of the Xiashan area in the college entrance examination.
I believe that the idea and pattern in USA will make a big room for his explore in the English area.And his talents can be fully digged and used!