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一.阅读理解.Most people who work in the office have a boss.So do

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:百度作业网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/04/27 20:36:23
Most people who work in the office have a boss.So do I.But my buss is a little unusual .What't unusual about him?It's a big dog.Many men have dogs,but few men bring their dogs to the office every day.My boss's dog,Robinson,is big and brown.My boss brings him to work every day.He takes the dog to meetings and he takes the dog to lunch.When there is a telephone call for my boss,I always know if he is in the office.I only look under his desk.If Isee something brown and hairy un-der it,I know my boss is somewhere in the office .If there is no dog,I know my boss is out.
1.People ________bring dogs to the office.
A.usually C.seldom
B.often D.Sometimes
2.My boss is Roninson's _________.
A.boss B.master
C.classmate D.teacher
3.Robinson goes to meeting _________my boss.
A.for B.without
C.omstead pf D.with
4.Robinson is always under the desk if the boss is _______my boss.
A.in the office
B.at meeting
C.out of the office
D.out of work
5.The passage tells us the boss_______the dog very much.
A.looks like B.dislikes
C.likes D.look down upon
一.阅读理解.Most people who work in the office have a boss.So do
1.C 按原文的意思是,人们通常很少带狗去办公室.
2.B 很明显,作者的老板是狗的主人.
3.D 老板每次开会都带着狗.故选D
4.A 老板如果在办公室的话,狗就在办公室.
5.C 文章告诉我们,老板非常喜欢这条狗.looks like是看起来长的像,相似,dislike是不喜欢,look down upon是看不起,轻视