关于环境的英语短文大学水平的 大家帮我找下 不要已经有的
来源:学生作业帮 编辑:百度作业网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/12 03:09:26
大学水平的 大家帮我找下 不要已经有的
大学水平的 大家帮我找下 不要已经有的
由于人口的增加和人类生产活动的规模越来越大,向大气释放的二氧化碳(CO2)、甲烷(CH4)、一氧化二氮(N2O)、氯氟碳化合物(CFC)、四氯化碳(CCl4)、一氧化碳(CO)等温室气体不断增加,导致大气的组成发生变化.大气质量受到影响,气候有逐渐变暖的趋势. 由于全球气候变暖,将会对全球产生各种不同的影响,较高的温度可使极地冰川融化,海平面每10年将升高6厘米,因而将使一些海岸地区被淹没.全球变暖也可能影响到降雨和大气环流的变化,使气候反常,易造成旱涝灾害,这些都可能导致生态系统发生变化和破坏,全球气候变化将对人类生活产生一系列重大影响.
在离地球表面10~50千米的大气平流层中集中了地球上90%的臭氧气体,在离地面25千米处臭氧浓度最大,形成了厚度约为3毫米的臭氧集中层,称为臭氧层.它能吸收太阳的紫外线,以保护地球上的生命免遭过量紫外线的伤害,并将能量贮存在上层大气,起到调节气候的作用.但臭氧层是一个很脆弱的大气层,如果进入一些破坏臭氧的气体,它们就会和臭氧发生化学作用,臭氧层就会遭到破坏. 臭氧层被破坏,将使地面 受到紫外线辐射的强度增加,给地球上的生命带来很大的危害.
《生物多样性公约》指出,生物多样性“是指所有来源的形形色色的生物体,这些来源包括陆地、海洋和其他水生生态系统及其所构成的生态综合体;它包括物种内部、物种之间和生态系统的多样性.”在漫长的生物进化过程中会产生一些新的物种,同时,随着生态环境条件的变化,也会使一些物种消失.所以说,生物多样性是在不断变化的. 近百年来,由于人口的急剧增加和人类对资源的不合理开发,加之环境污染等原因,地球上的各种生物及其生态系统受到了极大的冲击,生物多样性也受到了很大的损害.
酸雨是指大气降水中酸碱度(PH值)低于5.6的雨、雪或其他形式的降水.这是大气污染的一种表现. 酸雨对人类环境的影响是多方面的.酸雨降落到河流、湖泊中,会妨碍水中鱼、虾的成长,以致鱼虾减少或绝迹;酸雨还导致土壤酸化,破坏土壤的营养,使土壤贫脊化,危害植物的生长,造成作物减产,危害森林的生长.此外,酸雨还腐蚀建筑材料,有关资料说明,近十几年来,酸雨地区的一些古迹特别是石刻、石雕或铜塑像的损坏超过以往百年以上,甚至千年以上. 世界目前已有三大酸雨区.我国华南酸雨区是唯一尚未治理的.
全球陆地面积占60%,其中沙漠和沙漠化面积29%.每年有600万公顷的土地变成沙漠.经济损失每年423亿美元.全球共有干旱、半干旱土地50亿公顷,其中33亿遭到荒漠化威胁.致使每年有600万公顷的农田、900万公顷的牧区失去生产力.人类文明的摇篮底格里斯河、幼发拉底河流域,由沃土变成荒漠.中国的The Yellow River ——黄河,水土流失亦十分严重.
One) global warming
The whole world changes warmly
Because the population increase and the humanity produce activethe scale to be more and more big, to the atmospheric release carbondioxide (CO2), the methane (CH4), the nitrous oxide (N2O), thechlorine fluorine hydrocarbon compounds (CFC), the carbontetrachloride (CCl4), the carbon monoxide (CO) and so on thegreenhouse gas unceasingly increases, causes atmospheric thecomposition to change. The mass of atmosphere comes under theinfluence, the climate has gradually changes the warm tendency.Because the global warming, will be able to have each kind ofdifferent influence to the whole world, a higher temperature mightcause the polar glacier to melt, the sea level every 10 years willelevate 6 centimeters, thus will cause some coastal areas to submerge.The whole world changes warmly also possibly affects to rains with theatmospheric circulation change, causes the climate unusual, is easy tocreate the dry waterlogged disaster, these all possibly cause theecosystem to occur changes and destroys, the whole world climaticchange will live to the humanity has a series of significantinfluences.
(2) ozone layer consuming with destruction
Pollution make global warming
Industry pollution
In left earth's surface 10~50 kilometer isothermal layer of theatmosphere center to concentrate on the Earth 90% ozone gas, wasleaving the ground 25 kilometers place ozone densities most to be big,has formed thickness approximately is 3 millimeters ozone collectionsintermediate deck, was called the ozone layer. It can absorb solar theultraviolet ray, protects on the Earth the life to avoid the excessiveultraviolet ray the injury, and energy storing in the outeratmosphere, plays the adjustment climate role. But the ozone layer isa very frail atmosphere, if enters some destruction ozone the gas,they can have the chemical action with the ozone, the ozone layer canbe destructed. The ozone layer will be destroyed, will cause theground to receive the ultraviolet ray radiation the intensityincrease, will bring the very big harm for Earth's on life.
The research indicated that, the ultraviolet ray radiant energydestruction biology protein and the gene matter deoxyribonucleic acid,causes the cell death; Makes the human skin cancer disease incidencerate to advance; Injures the eye, causes the cataract to cause the eyeto lose one's sight; The suppression plants the thing-in-itselfsoybean, the melon class, the vegetables and so on the growth, andpenetrates 10 meter deep water level, kills the plankton and themicroorganism, thus endangers the water mesozoic food chain and thefree oxygen origin, affects the ecological equilibrium and the waterbody from only the ability.
(3) biodiversity reduction
After 50 years will have surpass 30% species to exterminate
Country scientist and so on Mexico warned that, Nitrogenpollution threat biodiversity
"Biodiversity Joint pledge" pointed out that, the biodiversity"is refers to all origins the of all forms organism, these origins theecology complex compound which including the land, the sea and otheraquatic ecosystem and its constitutes; It including between speciesinterior, species and ecosystem multiplicity." Can have some newspecies in the long biological evolution process, simultaneously,along with ecological environment condition change, also can causesome species to vanish. Therefore, the biodiversity is unceasingly ischanging. 近百年来, because the population sharp growth and thehumanity not reasonably developed to the resources, adds reason and soon environmental pollution, on Earth's each living thing and its theecosystem is under the enormous impact, the biodiversity has alsoreceived the very big harm.
The concerned scholar estimated that, in the world every year at leasthas 50,000 living thing species to exterminate, equally every dayexterminates the species reach 140, estimated to the beginning of the21st century, the world wild biology loss may reach its total 15%~30%In China, as a result of the population growth and the economicaldevelopment pressure, not reasonably uses and the destruction to thebiological resources, the loss which the biodiversity suffersextremely is also serious, probably some 200 species alreadyexterminated; The estimate approximately had 5,000 kind of plants tobe at in the recent years is in imminent danger the condition, theseapproximately compose the Chinese higher plant total 20%; Probablyalso some 398 kind of vertebrate also occupies is in imminent dangerthe condition, approximately composes about China vertebrate total7.7%. Therefore, protects and saves the biodiversity as well as theseliving thing 赖以生存 living conditions, similarly is suspends infront of us the important task.
(4) acid rain spread
Acid rain
The acid rain is refers to in the atmospheric precipitationthe sour alkalinity (the PH value) to be lower than 5.6 rain, the snowor other forms precipitation. This is the air pollution one kind ofperformance. The acid rain to the human environment influence isvarious. The acid rain descends to in the rivers, the lake, can hinderin the water the fish, shrimp's growth, so that the fish and shrimpreduces or vanishes; The acid rain also causes the soil acidification,the destruction soil nutrition, causes the soil poor keel, the harmplant's growth, creates the crops underproduction, the harm forestgrowth. In addition, the acid rain also corrodes the buildingmaterial, the pertinent data explained, in the recent several years,acid rain area some historical sites specially were the carved stone,the stone carving or the copper cast damage surpass formerly above forhundred years, even above millennium. The world at present had threebig acid rains areas. Our country South China acid rain area is onlynot yet governs.
(5) forest sharp decline
If the forest vanishes, we also can leave behind any
On today Earth, our green barrier - forest 4,000 squarekilometers speeds is vanishing every year by the average. The forestreduction causes its self-control water source the function to receivethe destruction, has created the species reduction and soil erosion,reduced to the carbon dioxide absorption then intensified thegreenhouse effect.
(6) land wilderness
Lets the arid spread don't again
The global land area accounts for 60%, desert and desert area29% Has 6 million hectares lands to turn the desert every year.Economic loss every year 42.3 billion US dollars. The whole worldaltogether has the drought, half arid land 5 billion hectares, 3.3billion encounters wilderness threat. Causes every year to have 6million hectares farmland, 9 million hectares pastoral areas loses theproductive forces. The human civilization cradle Tigris River, youngsends pulls the bottom river basin, turns wilderness by the fertilesoil. China's The Yellow the River - Yellow River, soil erosionextremely is also serious.
Seven) air pollution
How so does the environment survive
Air pollution main factor for suspended particle, carbonmonoxide, ozone, carbon dioxide, nitrogen oxide compound, lead and soon. The air pollution causes every year to have 30-70 ten thousandpeople because the mist and dust pollution to die ahead of time, 25million children contract the chronic laryngitis, 400-700 ten thousandrural women child suffers injury.
(8) water pollution
So water or source of the life?
The water is we daily most needs, also on contacts one of mostmaterial, however was the water also has become the dangerous materialnow.
(9) marine pollution
Red tide
The humanity moves causes the near sea area the nitrogen andthe phosphorus increases 50%-200%; The excessive nourishing substancecauses the coastal algae massive growths; Baltic Sea, North Sea, BlackSea, greater east Asian coprosperity sphere and so on appears the redtide. The marine pollution causes the red tide frequent occurrence,destroyed the mangrove forest, the coral reef, the seaweed, causes theoffshore fish and shrimp sharp decline, the fishery loss to beserious.
(10) risky waste border crossing shift
The risky waste is refers besides the radioactive waste, hasthe chemical activity or the toxicity, the explosivity, corrosivenessand other to the human survival environment existence harmfulcharacteristic waste. US stipulated in the resources conservation andthe absorption method that, the so-called dangerous waste is refers toone kind of solid waste and several kind of solid mixture, because itsquantity and the density are higher, possibly creates or causes thehuman mortality rate rise, either causes seriously cures the wastewith difficulty which the disease or cripples.
由于人口的增加和人类生产活动的规模越来越大,向大气释放的二氧化碳(CO2)、甲烷(CH4)、一氧化二氮(N2O)、氯氟碳化合物(CFC)、四氯化碳(CCl4)、一氧化碳(CO)等温室气体不断增加,导致大气的组成发生变化.大气质量受到影响,气候有逐渐变暖的趋势. 由于全球气候变暖,将会对全球产生各种不同的影响,较高的温度可使极地冰川融化,海平面每10年将升高6厘米,因而将使一些海岸地区被淹没.全球变暖也可能影响到降雨和大气环流的变化,使气候反常,易造成旱涝灾害,这些都可能导致生态系统发生变化和破坏,全球气候变化将对人类生活产生一系列重大影响.
在离地球表面10~50千米的大气平流层中集中了地球上90%的臭氧气体,在离地面25千米处臭氧浓度最大,形成了厚度约为3毫米的臭氧集中层,称为臭氧层.它能吸收太阳的紫外线,以保护地球上的生命免遭过量紫外线的伤害,并将能量贮存在上层大气,起到调节气候的作用.但臭氧层是一个很脆弱的大气层,如果进入一些破坏臭氧的气体,它们就会和臭氧发生化学作用,臭氧层就会遭到破坏. 臭氧层被破坏,将使地面 受到紫外线辐射的强度增加,给地球上的生命带来很大的危害.
《生物多样性公约》指出,生物多样性“是指所有来源的形形色色的生物体,这些来源包括陆地、海洋和其他水生生态系统及其所构成的生态综合体;它包括物种内部、物种之间和生态系统的多样性.”在漫长的生物进化过程中会产生一些新的物种,同时,随着生态环境条件的变化,也会使一些物种消失.所以说,生物多样性是在不断变化的. 近百年来,由于人口的急剧增加和人类对资源的不合理开发,加之环境污染等原因,地球上的各种生物及其生态系统受到了极大的冲击,生物多样性也受到了很大的损害.
酸雨是指大气降水中酸碱度(PH值)低于5.6的雨、雪或其他形式的降水.这是大气污染的一种表现. 酸雨对人类环境的影响是多方面的.酸雨降落到河流、湖泊中,会妨碍水中鱼、虾的成长,以致鱼虾减少或绝迹;酸雨还导致土壤酸化,破坏土壤的营养,使土壤贫脊化,危害植物的生长,造成作物减产,危害森林的生长.此外,酸雨还腐蚀建筑材料,有关资料说明,近十几年来,酸雨地区的一些古迹特别是石刻、石雕或铜塑像的损坏超过以往百年以上,甚至千年以上. 世界目前已有三大酸雨区.我国华南酸雨区是唯一尚未治理的.
全球陆地面积占60%,其中沙漠和沙漠化面积29%.每年有600万公顷的土地变成沙漠.经济损失每年423亿美元.全球共有干旱、半干旱土地50亿公顷,其中33亿遭到荒漠化威胁.致使每年有600万公顷的农田、900万公顷的牧区失去生产力.人类文明的摇篮底格里斯河、幼发拉底河流域,由沃土变成荒漠.中国的The Yellow River ——黄河,水土流失亦十分严重.
One) global warming
The whole world changes warmly
Because the population increase and the humanity produce activethe scale to be more and more big, to the atmospheric release carbondioxide (CO2), the methane (CH4), the nitrous oxide (N2O), thechlorine fluorine hydrocarbon compounds (CFC), the carbontetrachloride (CCl4), the carbon monoxide (CO) and so on thegreenhouse gas unceasingly increases, causes atmospheric thecomposition to change. The mass of atmosphere comes under theinfluence, the climate has gradually changes the warm tendency.Because the global warming, will be able to have each kind ofdifferent influence to the whole world, a higher temperature mightcause the polar glacier to melt, the sea level every 10 years willelevate 6 centimeters, thus will cause some coastal areas to submerge.The whole world changes warmly also possibly affects to rains with theatmospheric circulation change, causes the climate unusual, is easy tocreate the dry waterlogged disaster, these all possibly cause theecosystem to occur changes and destroys, the whole world climaticchange will live to the humanity has a series of significantinfluences.
(2) ozone layer consuming with destruction
Pollution make global warming
Industry pollution
In left earth's surface 10~50 kilometer isothermal layer of theatmosphere center to concentrate on the Earth 90% ozone gas, wasleaving the ground 25 kilometers place ozone densities most to be big,has formed thickness approximately is 3 millimeters ozone collectionsintermediate deck, was called the ozone layer. It can absorb solar theultraviolet ray, protects on the Earth the life to avoid the excessiveultraviolet ray the injury, and energy storing in the outeratmosphere, plays the adjustment climate role. But the ozone layer isa very frail atmosphere, if enters some destruction ozone the gas,they can have the chemical action with the ozone, the ozone layer canbe destructed. The ozone layer will be destroyed, will cause theground to receive the ultraviolet ray radiation the intensityincrease, will bring the very big harm for Earth's on life.
The research indicated that, the ultraviolet ray radiant energydestruction biology protein and the gene matter deoxyribonucleic acid,causes the cell death; Makes the human skin cancer disease incidencerate to advance; Injures the eye, causes the cataract to cause the eyeto lose one's sight; The suppression plants the thing-in-itselfsoybean, the melon class, the vegetables and so on the growth, andpenetrates 10 meter deep water level, kills the plankton and themicroorganism, thus endangers the water mesozoic food chain and thefree oxygen origin, affects the ecological equilibrium and the waterbody from only the ability.
(3) biodiversity reduction
After 50 years will have surpass 30% species to exterminate
Country scientist and so on Mexico warned that, Nitrogenpollution threat biodiversity
"Biodiversity Joint pledge" pointed out that, the biodiversity"is refers to all origins the of all forms organism, these origins theecology complex compound which including the land, the sea and otheraquatic ecosystem and its constitutes; It including between speciesinterior, species and ecosystem multiplicity." Can have some newspecies in the long biological evolution process, simultaneously,along with ecological environment condition change, also can causesome species to vanish. Therefore, the biodiversity is unceasingly ischanging. 近百年来, because the population sharp growth and thehumanity not reasonably developed to the resources, adds reason and soon environmental pollution, on Earth's each living thing and its theecosystem is under the enormous impact, the biodiversity has alsoreceived the very big harm.
The concerned scholar estimated that, in the world every year at leasthas 50,000 living thing species to exterminate, equally every dayexterminates the species reach 140, estimated to the beginning of the21st century, the world wild biology loss may reach its total 15%~30%In China, as a result of the population growth and the economicaldevelopment pressure, not reasonably uses and the destruction to thebiological resources, the loss which the biodiversity suffersextremely is also serious, probably some 200 species alreadyexterminated; The estimate approximately had 5,000 kind of plants tobe at in the recent years is in imminent danger the condition, theseapproximately compose the Chinese higher plant total 20%; Probablyalso some 398 kind of vertebrate also occupies is in imminent dangerthe condition, approximately composes about China vertebrate total7.7%. Therefore, protects and saves the biodiversity as well as theseliving thing 赖以生存 living conditions, similarly is suspends infront of us the important task.
(4) acid rain spread
Acid rain
The acid rain is refers to in the atmospheric precipitationthe sour alkalinity (the PH value) to be lower than 5.6 rain, the snowor other forms precipitation. This is the air pollution one kind ofperformance. The acid rain to the human environment influence isvarious. The acid rain descends to in the rivers, the lake, can hinderin the water the fish, shrimp's growth, so that the fish and shrimpreduces or vanishes; The acid rain also causes the soil acidification,the destruction soil nutrition, causes the soil poor keel, the harmplant's growth, creates the crops underproduction, the harm forestgrowth. In addition, the acid rain also corrodes the buildingmaterial, the pertinent data explained, in the recent several years,acid rain area some historical sites specially were the carved stone,the stone carving or the copper cast damage surpass formerly above forhundred years, even above millennium. The world at present had threebig acid rains areas. Our country South China acid rain area is onlynot yet governs.
(5) forest sharp decline
If the forest vanishes, we also can leave behind any
On today Earth, our green barrier - forest 4,000 squarekilometers speeds is vanishing every year by the average. The forestreduction causes its self-control water source the function to receivethe destruction, has created the species reduction and soil erosion,reduced to the carbon dioxide absorption then intensified thegreenhouse effect.
(6) land wilderness
Lets the arid spread don't again
The global land area accounts for 60%, desert and desert area29% Has 6 million hectares lands to turn the desert every year.Economic loss every year 42.3 billion US dollars. The whole worldaltogether has the drought, half arid land 5 billion hectares, 3.3billion encounters wilderness threat. Causes every year to have 6million hectares farmland, 9 million hectares pastoral areas loses theproductive forces. The human civilization cradle Tigris River, youngsends pulls the bottom river basin, turns wilderness by the fertilesoil. China's The Yellow the River - Yellow River, soil erosionextremely is also serious.
Seven) air pollution
How so does the environment survive
Air pollution main factor for suspended particle, carbonmonoxide, ozone, carbon dioxide, nitrogen oxide compound, lead and soon. The air pollution causes every year to have 30-70 ten thousandpeople because the mist and dust pollution to die ahead of time, 25million children contract the chronic laryngitis, 400-700 ten thousandrural women child suffers injury.
(8) water pollution
So water or source of the life?
The water is we daily most needs, also on contacts one of mostmaterial, however was the water also has become the dangerous materialnow.
(9) marine pollution
Red tide
The humanity moves causes the near sea area the nitrogen andthe phosphorus increases 50%-200%; The excessive nourishing substancecauses the coastal algae massive growths; Baltic Sea, North Sea, BlackSea, greater east Asian coprosperity sphere and so on appears the redtide. The marine pollution causes the red tide frequent occurrence,destroyed the mangrove forest, the coral reef, the seaweed, causes theoffshore fish and shrimp sharp decline, the fishery loss to beserious.
(10) risky waste border crossing shift
The risky waste is refers besides the radioactive waste, hasthe chemical activity or the toxicity, the explosivity, corrosivenessand other to the human survival environment existence harmfulcharacteristic waste. US stipulated in the resources conservation andthe absorption method that, the so-called dangerous waste is refers toone kind of solid waste and several kind of solid mixture, because itsquantity and the density are higher, possibly creates or causes thehuman mortality rate rise, either causes seriously cures the wastewith difficulty which the disease or cripples.