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英语翻译I try to store up health and strength for the almost sup

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:百度作业网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/06/17 23:49:34
I try to store up health and strength for the almost superhuman expenditure[/u of energy that is to come the only trouble that i will soon to be forced to[u] get at that newspaper.Article.
2 The whole place is a gross assault on the senses and the little boy goes into what passes for a native dance
3 No American seemed to be able to pick up the subtle clues that there were times when he didnit want his thoughts introduced on
4 The wind shows us how close to the edge we are.
5 He was quite obviously experience strain in his relationship with American.
6 Bells reproaches there times a day,joined by a chorus from a neighbouring islands
1 expenditure用 consumption代替 get at 用reach
2 第2句不知道如何翻译
3 第3不知道如何翻译
4 改为 The wind shows us that we are so close to the edge
5 strain 用 nervousness
6 joined 用accompanied with ,neighbouring slands用 islands near by.
英语翻译I try to store up health and strength for the almost sup
1 expenditure用 consumption代替-正确.get at 我觉得应用write代替,此句子取自How to Get
Things Done一文,你可以在网上找到)
2 第2句出自The Subway一文,The whole place is a gross assault on the senses,意思是整个地方(地铁站)就是对人的感官的极大刺激.the little boy goes into what passes for a native
dance意为 小点的男孩就开始跳通常认为是土著舞的舞蹈.
3 第3句出自The English and the Americans,该句意为 似乎没有美国人能够觉察到这些隐约的迹象:有时候他(英国学生)不想让自己的思路被打扰.
4 第四句取自The Santa Ana一文.意为,大风向我们揭示:我们离危险不远.
5 第五句同样取自The Santa Ana一文.strain个人感觉用pressure代替,你认为如何?此处可能没有nervousness的意思.
6 joined by是否用accompanied by代替?accompanied with有并列的意味,accompanied by却有伴随的意思.,neighbouring slands用 islands near by.个人感觉 没问题
再问: 非常感谢你的回答,还是你的回答比较靠谱。。。继续麻烦你下 第2句中 assault我现在用 surprise代替,按你的翻译的话,是不是excitation比较好点? 第3句中 pick up我现在用get代替的, introduced on 我用spread代替,按你的翻译的话,spread肯定不对,是否该用interrupted代替比较好?(或disturbed?) 第5局 nervousness我也感觉是错的,我现在用tension改的,pressure也很好 第6句 完全同意你的改写。
再答: 第2句 出自这一段:The whole place is a gross assault on the senses. The noise of the trains stopping or rounding curves has a high-pitched harshness that is difficult to describe. People feel no qualms about pushing whenever it becomes crowded. Your tactile sense takes a crucifying you never dreamed possible. The odors become unbearable when the weather is warm 这段主要写作者走进纽约地铁站,其脏乱差给人的刺激,一种恶心,不快,厌恶的感觉,irritation代替assault怎么样? 第3句“…… his thoughts intruded on " 注意是intrude 不是introduce(怀疑你写错了),因此用interrupted代替没问题,pick up大约是觉察的意思吧,perceive代替怎么样?