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Adele Laurie Blue Adkins 的英文介绍,最好也带有中文
Born: Adele Laurie Blue Adkins on the 5th May 1988 in London
Adele Laurie Blue Adkins released a single in 2007 'Hometown' [Pos.32] Which was not her hit that made her this big. She has become well known down to her outstanding track 'Chasing Pavements' [Pos.2] released in 2008.
Adele has also relased another outstanding track 'Cold Shoulder'.
Adele has also been hailed by the British press as "the new Amy Winehouse"
The future looks great for Adele!
Adele Laurie Blue Adkins (born 5 May 1988 in Enfield, North London), known professionally as Adele, is a British singer. Adele has described her musical style as "heartbroken soul". She is the first recipient of the BRIT Awards Critics' Choice, which was given to artists who, at the time, had yet to release an album. She has noted American jazz and blues singers Etta James and Ella Fitzgerald as influences. She debuted at number one with her Mercury Prize-nominated debut album (19) on the UK album chart; the disc has since been certified platinum with sales of more than 500,000 copies. After the album peaked at #54 on the Billboard 200 chart on 8 July, 2008 (though it did reach #36 on the magazine's "Top Heatseekers" chart). Adele performed before an estimated audience of 14 million television viewers on Saturday Night Live, leading to a very strong showing on a couple of notable download charts, and leading the album to leap from #46 to #11 on the official chart.
姓名:Adele Laurie Blue Adkins
生日 : (1988-05-05)
出生地点:Origin Tottenham, 伦敦, 英国
音乐曲风: 灵魂, 爵士.
XL Recordings,
Universal Music
阿黛尔仍然生活与她的母亲在伦敦北部. 她在接受采访时说,她喜欢成为关注的中心,但有点抗拒与正反两方面的知名度,尤其是当涉及到批评她的体重. "
不论中外,吉他唱作人路线有如历久不衰依然受尽青睐,近年他方的英国陆续有不少新鲜上阵的唱作型女歌手,今次有被誉为“新Amy Winehouse”的Adele.年仅19岁的Adele生於英国Tottenham,自幼受爵士乐薰陶,如Ella Fitzgerald和Etta Jame都是她陪伴她成长的“音乐老师”.早于14岁已开始作曲,及后毕业于著名表演艺术学府BRIT School,亦即于Kate Nash、Amy Winehouse和Katie Melua等人份属校友.毕业后曾跟随不少音乐人作巡演乐手,如Jamie T、Amos Lee和Keren Ann等.07年底分别推出了两张细碟《Hometown Glory》和《Chasing Pavements》,直至2008年1月底首张专辑《19》才上市.尽管年纪轻轻,但她的唱腔并不幼嫩,混合骚灵的技巧及具爆发力的演绎,唱功不容忽视.有人认为她的声线像Dusty Springfield和Jill Scott,那略带低沉而沙哑的嗓子颇适合唱爵士和蓝调.据她所说这张专辑是关于18至19岁年青人的爱情,是一张比较失落的唱片.但从单曲《Chasing Pavements》和《Hometown Glory》的旋律中,渗透出的成熟韵味,并非年轻爱侣的小情小爱.《Daydreamer》中以Acoustic吉他作伴奏,刻意放轻的唱腔结合旋律流露出简朴之美.同类型的《Melt My Heart To Stone》则较具节奏感,那充满感情的演译,更为动听. 喜欢写诗的她,在写歌词的时候亦有渗进其中,尽显才情.当Amy Winehouse过著荒唐日子之时,且看她会否藉此机会攀上更高位置.
全名Adele Adkins(坚持不用全名当艺名).毕业于著名的英国表演学校 Brit School(杰出校友有Kate Nash. Amy Winehouse及Katie Melug等人).当Adele谈到Kate Nash同学时 .Adele形容Kate是个很有趣的人
喜爱念诗写诗的Adele(自认诗念的不好.但写诗功力还不错).和其它几位艺人如Lily Allen. Kate Nash等.也是在My Space堀起的歌手.之后签入XL唱片旗下.在专辑未发行前就先受邀在BBC Radio 2热门节目Later with Jools Holland节目中自弹自唱.获得热烈回响.该节目制作人Alison说她第一次听到Adele的音乐.就深深感动.所以她一定要Adele来上节目不可.得到BBC Radio 1及2的大力支持.Adele的音乐同时被BBC Radio 1的DJ们强烈推荐.成为Weekly Song.
Adele除了得到"潜力新人奖"肯定之外"也是BBC新声音 Sound of 2008榜首.谦虚的Adele目前仍然和她妈住在伦敦.她并不期望自己成为天后.只想做自己喜欢的音乐.她喜欢听soul / Jazz也会听一点 indie.Adele不喜欢用乐团的感觉做音乐.喜好用Acoustic guitar 写出自己的作品