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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:百度作业网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/06/26 03:16:52
这是我自己的真实的故事,外教要我演讲,我用机器在线翻译了一下,不好,太拗口..机器的翻译,我不要,you won't find near a TV set 这样的句子,什么玩意啊
还有这样的andwill not learn in the library to find my table,but will not see me holding a broom to sweep the floor,这都是神马啊!
leiel5侍童 二级 大虾,你go on
请等一等.我需要好好写一下 希望能在我写完后 再决定 给不给分.
When I was little, you wouldn’t find me in front of TV during the holidays. Unlike other kids, I wouldn’t be writing my homework or doing some house work, I would spend my precious time in the little forest or beside the river. At that time, I would always be happy and contempt with everything, even after hearing a fight of my parents or getting a failed test. However, now, nothing is the same, because i've already passed my childhood.
I had a very happy childhood. Some memories from that time have already lived long in my heart. I am delighted to share those with you, and hope that you will find some happiness too.
I remember once, me and my best friends went to catch little birds. Our goal was to climb up the big trees and bring those just born birds home as pets. It was a sunny afternoon. The sun light was not that strong. We were very excited because we were finally going to have a special little pet. We searched carefully through the tree tops, trying to find a bird nest. We had an agreement; the little birds belong to whoever found it first. After a while, all my friends found their own special birds except me, because all the nests I‘ve found were empty. That was unlucky. After another while, I finally found a nest. This time, I put all my hopes in it. The nest was set on a big tall pine tree. This pine tree’s bark was very rough. So, I took off my shoes, and started to climb. Climbing a big tree was obviously difficult for such a small child, but I was excited, because I finally will get my own little bird. When I reached the bird nest at the top of the tree, I saw only one egg in that nest. At first, I was angry and then the angriness turned into sadness. I had a dilemma between taking that only egg from the nest or return with nothing in my hand. But I can’t leave without anything! And then, I found out even if I took the egg I had no where to put it, because I didn’t have any pocket on my cloth. My friends suggested throwing the egg down and then climbing down the tree myself, but I know if I throw the egg down the tree It would break. I thought about it for a long time, finally a solution popped into my mind. I could put the egg inside my mouth, this way; I could climb down the tree easily. Anyone with a climbing experience would know that climbing down is very difficult whether it is climbing down a mountain or just a tree. However, in my case, I was climbing down a bit tall pine tree. The time seemed stretched longer than ever, I could not be rough, I had to be very careful, and otherwise, one tiny mistake could cost my life. What made it more difficult was that there was an egg in my mouth; I had to be more careful in case i broke it accidently. When I was almost at the ground, I jumped because I can’t wait any longer. When my feet touch the ground, the pressure caused my jaws to close up, that way, the egg broke in my mouth, without noticing it at first, I swallowed all the egg white and the yolk, leaving egg shell inside my mouth. Only after another a minute or so, I realized that I ate the egg. I don’t remember much about the taste of the egg. I cannot help but spit out all the egg shells, and went home in my friend’s laughter.
This was only one of the stories from my childhood. Of course, there are more interesting stories, like the time when I almost drowned trying to get a watermelon across the river, and when I float to a strange place and couldn’t find the way home. If you want to hear more, I will always be happy to tell you all the wonders from my childhood..