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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:百度作业网作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/06/23 03:45:22
但中国的股市需要的是有极其足够的承受能力.除非股民有很多闲钱没地方扔.股市本来就是个空壳,尤其中国股市不是单靠高超的研究经验和每个股票的盈利状况和发展前景而赢得利润.更多的受政府政策面影响及受周边国际股市的影响比较大 ,而中国的股民一般都是属于特爱跟风 凑热闹的.比如在几个月前的韩国美国的军演期间,作为参与者的美国韩国股市并没大的波动,只像是打了一个喷嚏;而在中国却造成了极大的恐慌,大盘走势连续几天大跌,像是得了重感冒.
总的说来中国股市其中有70%股票亏损 20%是持平 10%是盈利 要做到那10%的人实在很不容易.大多数人都控制不住自己的贪念,所以往往盈利了还不卖出,想再赚的更多.结果 只能自己睁着眼睛吃毒药了.
But China's stock market needs is a very sufficient capacity. Unless investors have no place to throw a lot of spare cash. The stock market has always been an empty shell, especially in China's stock market is not just a superb research experience and the profitability of each stock and profit prospects to win. More affected by government policies and by the surrounding surface of the impact of international stock markets is relatively large, and China's investors are generally join in the fun are the special love to follow suit. For example, in a few months ago during the Korean military exercises the United States, the United States as a participant in large fluctuations in the Korean stock market has not only played like a sneeze; in China has caused great panic, market trend for several days fell, like a bad cold.
Overall, 70% of China's stock market losses which is a flat 20% 10% 10% profit to that person to do it is not easy. Most people are unable to control their greed, they are often not profitable to sell, want to earn more. The results can only eat their own poison with open eyes.
It is called: the stock market risk, stock market, no gods, no stock market expert