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英语翻译1 Slowly,a dark void found its way into my heart and beg

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:百度作业网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/06/24 08:12:36
1 Slowly,a dark void found its way into my heart and began to eat away at my happiness.
2 My father wasn't too keen on the idea of being back in the rat race,but I assured him that this time it would be nothing like that.
3 As fate would have it,my life would soon change again,and in a very big way.
4 While my surroundings were different and strange,they were also exciting and fun.
5 Advertising is part literature,part art,and part show business.
6 Advertising can be found as far back as the public criers of ancient Greece-who,for a fee,shouted out messages about a company's products to one and all.
7 If the definition of advertising as” salesmanship in print” were expanded to include radio and television,it would still stand today.
8 From these modest beginnings,advertising has developed into a highly specialized and profitable business.
9 Michael is no run-of-the-milk kind of guy.He is always happy and always has something positive to say.
10 If an employee had a bad day,Michael would tell him/her how to look on the positive side of the situation lest they'd continue feeling down.
11 Each time something bad happens,I can choose to be a victim or choose to see it as a type of learning.
12 I simply yelled:” I'm choosing to live.Work on me as if I am alive,not headed to the grave.”
13 Although “gas investigations” rarely turn out to be anything,we're in the business of safety.
14 I figured it would be the normal” nothing call” and we drove to the area,noses alert for the smell of natural gas.
15 The chief took the suggestion,and under his command,the evacuation went as smoothly as could be expected.
16 Many of the neighboring buildings suffered major damage from the explosive force,including some nearby homes that were moved off their foundations.
17 People believe a suitable name can serve as an outline for a child's future,helping to determine if the child will be a famous painter or a piano player,a lawyer or a landlord.
18 All the boys in one generation of a family,the brothers and male cousins,will have the same first part to their name.
19 Finally,some people name their children after famous rulers or public figures,like George Washington Carver,for example,or even after their favorite soap opera actors on television..
20 This is also an issue in Japan,where the government feels children should not be given names that other children will make fun of.
21 It's possible these days for people to fall in love sight unseen-though not unknown.
22 With a personal computer linked to a modem,plus an online service,it's simple to have an active social life,even if it isn't face-to-face.
23 Online,you can't be sure if the person describing himself/herself as a twenty-year-old student studying engineering is really a sixty-year-old train conductor or,worse,a dangerous con artist.
24 Then,for many who develop feelings for someone online,a major concern arises:whether to meet face-to-face.
英语翻译1 Slowly,a dark void found its way into my heart and beg
:) 打不下了...这次把英文删了...||
1 慢慢地,一阵莫名的怅惘攫住了我的心,吞噬了我的快乐.
2 我的父亲不是很喜欢这种你死我活的竞争,但这次我像他保证不会那样疯狂.
3 就像命运的车轮会转变,我的人生将发生重大变化.
4 我的周围发生了变化,变得陌生,但同时我也得到了快乐和刺激.
5 广告是一种文学,一种艺术,也是一种娱乐性行业.
6 广告的起源能追溯到古希腊时期的叫卖者,他们为了报酬把某个公司的产品信息大声告诉每一个人.
7 如果今天将广告的定义由“印刷推销”扩展到广播和电视,这仍然是成立的.
8 由最初的低调起,广告业已经发展为一个相当专业和有利可图的行业.
9 (这个是不是错了?run-of-the-milk -> run-of-the-mill)
10 如果一个雇员经历了糟糕的一天,迈克会告诉他/她去看情况的积极面以免他们感觉更糟.
11 每当不幸发生,我能选择做一个受害者的角色,或者积极地将之视为“吃一堑,长一智”.
12 我只是大喊:“我选择生.努力工作,继续生活,决不自己迈向死亡.”
13 尽管“瓦斯调查”很少能有什么危险,我们还是做好了安全工作.

14 我认为那仍将是“什么都没发生的火警电话”,我们循着天然气的味道开往那里.
15 首领采纳了建议,在他的指挥下,撤退工作像预期那样顺利地进行.
16 许多临近的大楼都因爆炸的冲力而严重毁坏,包括附近的一些被移离地基的居民房.
17 人们相信一个合适的名字会预示小孩的未来,将决定他成长为一个著名的画家还是钢琴家,一个律师,抑或地主.
18 所有同辈的男孩们——兄弟们和堂表兄弟们的名字里都有着相同的第一个字.
(这里我看作是中国的语境,the same first part to their name应该就是指“X字辈”之类吧...)
19 最后,人们以明星或者公众人物的名字为孩子命名,比如乔治·华盛顿·卡沃,或者甚至以电视肥皂剧中著名人物名字命名.
20 这也是日本的一个问题,日本政府认为,孩子们不该被冠以会让人嘲笑的姓名.
21 今天人们极有可能没有见过而相爱,虽然可能不是不认识.
22 只要有一台电脑加调制解调器和网络服务,拥有丰富活跃的社会生活变得相当简单,尽管可能不是面对面的活动.
23 在线上,你无法判断一个资料显示20岁的工科学生的人其实可能是一个60岁的火车售票员,或者更糟的是,一个危险的反社会的艺术家.
24 继而,对于许多网恋的人来说,一个主要的问题产生了:要不要亲自见面.