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英语翻译请高手帮我翻译以下原文,是哈罗德·D.拉斯韦尔 写的《社会传播的结构与功能》一书中的章节,书是英文版的,没发现有

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:百度作业网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/04/28 02:42:22
请高手帮我翻译以下原文,是哈罗德·D.拉斯韦尔 写的《社会传播的结构与功能》一书中的章节,书是英文版的,没发现有中译版,所以才把这个放此地,
The Structure and Function of Communication in Society
A CONVENIENT WAY to describe an act of communication is to answer the following questions:
Says What
In Which Channel
To Whom
With What Effect
The scientific study of the process of communication tends to concentrate upon one or another of these questions.Scholars who study the “who”,the communicator,look into the factors that initiate and guide the act of communication.We call this subdivision of the field of research control analysis.Specialists who focus upon the “says what” engage in content analysis.Those who look primarily at the radio,press,film,and other channels of communication are doing media analysis.When the principal concern is with the persons reached by the media,we speak of audience analysis.If the question is the impact upon audiences,the problem is the impact upon audiences,the problem is effect analysis.
Whether such distinctions are useful depends entirely upon the degree of refinement which is regarded as appropriate to a given scientific and managerial objective.Often it is simpler to combine audience and effect analysis,for instance,than to keep them apart.On the other hand,we may want to concentrate on the analysis of content,and for this purpose subdivide the field into the study of purport and style,the first referring to the message,and the second to the arrangement of the elements of which the message is composed.
Enticing as it is to work out these categories in more detail,the present discussion has a different scope.We are less interested in dividing up the act of communication than in viewing the act as a whole in relation to the entire social process.Any process can be examined in two frames of reference,namely,structure and function; and our analysis of communication will deal with the specializations the carry on certain functions,of which the following may be clearly distinguished:(1) The surveillance of the environment; (2) the correlation of the parts of society in responding to the environment; (3) the transmission of the social heritage from one generation to the next.
英语翻译请高手帮我翻译以下原文,是哈罗德·D.拉斯韦尔 写的《社会传播的结构与功能》一书中的章节,书是英文版的,没发现有
有的翻译 会让人看不清楚 只供参考

诱人的,因为它是要制定这些类别中更详细,目前的讨论有不同的范围.我们不太关心分割行为的沟通比看作为一个整体与整个社会的进程.任何程序可以在两帧审查范围,即:结构与功能;和我们的分析,沟通,处理的专业进行一定的职能,其中有以下明确区分:( 1 )监测环境( 2 )相关的部分社会在应对环境; ( 3 )传播的社会遗产从一代一代传下去.
英语翻译请高手帮我翻译以下原文,是哈罗德·D.拉斯韦尔 写的《社会传播的结构与功能》一书中的章节,书是英文版的,没发现有 请高手用英文帮我翻译以下这个题目: 标新立异的现代主义文学与艺术. 英语翻译我开了一个装修店,名叫《美店美》 请高手帮我翻译成英文,我查询了字典,发现不能字对字翻译,是有考究的,尽量让英文 有那位高手可以帮我把英文单词和句子翻译成中文的读法 例如Hello意思是你好 中文读法 哈罗 英语翻译这是我自己写好的《傲慢与偏见》的读后感,请高手帮我翻译成英文!如果翻译过程中有不好译的地方也可改中文!何谓真爱? 请哪个高手帮我翻译下以下的短文! 帮老外修改中文文章请帮我修改老外翻译的文章.以下的中文是由美国人从英文翻译过来的.最下是英文原文.别把中文翻译成英文,把 英语翻译以下是正文,已经分好了句,请翻译高手一句在英文下面写上相应的中文,Up in the club with the 各位有用英语说中国这本书 可以帮我摘录以下英文章节吗?家庭生活的具体内容 请英语高手帮我翻译“深圳市唐诚龙胜投资有限公司”,必须是正确的标准的英语翻译, 英语翻译以下我写的中文请帮我翻尽量简单清楚的英文禁止翻译软件 我眼睛很厉害喔 看的出来有没有用翻译软件喔!禁止!以下这篇 英语翻译以下是我写的一个英文活动小流程 请帮我中翻英 不要翻译软体 要简单容易清楚的英语翻译1.用袜子套上卷筒 2.把多