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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:百度作业网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/06/17 09:44:51
时代英语April 2008
( 一) 我的高三生活
My Senior 3 life
With bird s inging, I, a Senior 3 sudent, get up early and s tart my
s tudy of a day at once.
Born in a poor family, I expected to get more education. In order
not to let my parents down, I have to devote myself to the s tudies to
the full.
The life in Senior 3 is hard. Dreaming of pas s ing the college entrance examination, we try our bes t to s tudy. Hard
as the life of Senior 3 is , each of us doesn!t seem to give up. As a proverb goes , diligence is the mother of succes s ,
we work as hard as we could.
Actually, it is our parents and teachers that are also hardworking for us . Cons idered as candles , they burn
themselves to brighten us . They are willing to do what they can to as s is t us . Our teachers encourage us to build
confidence and inspire us to improve our s tudy, and are always by us whenever we meet with difficulty. At home, we
are well taken care of by our parents . I am moved by what they do for us . Educated by the teachers and cared for by
the parents , I am living through an unforgettable experience.
Tired as I may be , I feel proud of my life of Senior 3. On one hand, because of it, I build up my mind and
unders tand what perseverance is ; on the other hand, I sense the love and care of my parents and teachers .
I grow up in the busy life of Senior 3. Having got through so much hard time, I become brave and mature.
四川大邑中学高2008 级4 班蒲敬川指导教师曾杰
( 二) 写作天地
使用高级词汇, 书面表达得高分
书面表达要得高分, 必须使用高级词汇, 而高级词汇、复杂句式及过渡词靠平时积累和习作.现在, 让我们做一个对比
假设你的美国朋友Mike 邀请你在他们校报上发表一篇短文, 介绍一下中国中秋节的情况.
请你根据下表写一篇100 词左右的短文:
一、为避免汉语思维的影响, 应根据英文思路重组内容的先后顺序, 以避开逐条翻译.
二、文章最不好的地方是容易反复出现相同的句式, 使文章平淡, 但通过在词汇上、句式上推敲后, 文章会生动, 产生亮色.
三、发挥想象, 适当拓展, 避免词数不够.
方式赏月, 吃月饼, 听故事, 家庭团聚, 共进晚餐
April 2008 Times English
范文一:Mid- Autumn Festival
Mid-Autumn Day is on Augus t 15th of the Lunar calendar. On that day people will enjoy the bright moon, eat
delicious mooncakes , lis ten to interes ting s tories . Bes ides , on that day people will get together, and have a big dinner.
The Mid-Autumn Day has a long his tory. And the moon is the symbol of reunion, luck, and wealth. Not only China
but also other As ian countries celebrate it. (72 words )
虽然文章要点都已包括进去, 但问题出在: 1. 文章遣词欠推敲, 缺少高级词汇, 划线部分应更换, 即尽量避开平淡无味
的词.2. 词数不够, 欠适当发挥.3. 句式呆板, 故缺少亮点.
范文二:Mid- Autumn Festival
Mid-Autumn Fes tival is a traditional holiday with a long his tory in China . It falls on Augus t 15th of the Lunar
calendar, which is a harves t time.
With the day approaching, all family members hurry back for a family party. And many varieties of activities take
place on that day. Following a big dinner, people usually s it in the open air and recollect ancient fairy tales while
bathed in the soft moonlight, tasting delicious mooncakes .
According to the Chines e his tory, the full moon represents reunion, for tune and wealth. Therefore , apart from
China, some other As ian countries like J apan and Korea ,also celebrate it.
This is a brief introduction of Mid-Autumn Day. Welcome to China, to experience it for yourself. (109 words )
优点一: 划线词准确, 并且是高级词汇.
优点二: 斜体部分能充分体现运用合理想象, 起到承上启下的作用, 过渡自然, 达到流畅优美的效果, 同时避免了词数不够.
优点三: 结尾笔墨不多, 但合情合理.
( 三) 学生优秀习作选登
If I wer e a college student
If I were a college s tudent, my firs t choice would be to s tudy economics as I would want to be a bus ines swoman
in the future.
If I were a college s tudent majoring in economics , I would try to improve my social ability. I have practiced a lot
during the pas t few years through doing my clas s work. If I could enter univers ity, I would grasp more opportunities ,
take part in more activities , and try to be a s tudent who has communicative ability to organize and to use what he has
If I were an economic s tudent, I would improve my personality. Bus ines s requires people who have a good
personality. In a letter to me, my American friend wrote, “When you interact with people, you should always remember
to find the good in people firs t, and always take a pos itive approach to relationships .”I am very moved by him and do
as he ins tructed.
If I were a college s tudent, apart from ability and personality, I would think the mos t important thing is to have a
good command of knowledge . Today, bus ines s competition is one that involves science and technology. No
knowledge, no s tanding room; no s kill, no succes s !